Scancat-Lite Plus

Scancat-Lite Plus has been designed to make it as easy as possible to program your Scanner from the computer. Working in conjunction with National Communication's Frequency website, we have enabled you to seamlessly acquire - pick and choose frequencies from a master frequency list - and then program them into your radio. All without having to type the first thing. Individual settings for almost every function of your radio, including Trunking parameters, can be programmed on a "by frequency" basis. All with a simple click of the mouse.

       Table of Contents

Getting Connected - (Read this first)

Brief Description of Modules: 

Detailed Description of Modules:
        Radio Selection
        Database Autoload
        Source Database
        Personal Database
        Autoload Database
        Comm Port Settings
        Baud Rate 

        Auto Detect- Uniden)
        Timing Adjustments


        The Upper Database
        The Lower Personal Database
        Trunking Database        
        Trunk System Settings
        Search Range Database

        Pasting Frequencies to Database
        Pasting Trunking ID's to Database
        Pasting from Excel
Explanation of Top Menu Bar Selections
                Load File

                    National Communications Data Files
                    Mr. Scanner Data Files 
                    Read Mr. Scanner Data Files Directly
                    Bearcat Data Files         
                    Printing  Databases
                    Download From Nat-Com Site
                    Personal Files
                Save Files 

                Load/ Read Radio 
Load database to Radio
                    Read from Radio to Database
                    Load Trunking to Radio
                    Read Trunking From Radio
                    Load Search Ranges
                    Read Search Ranges 
           Database Views

              CopyRight Notices


- Getting Connected - READ THIS FIRST

                     RADIO SHACK CABLES ( 20-047 USB / 20-048 black / 20-298 white cable           

Getting connected through the cable is our most common "problem", I'd say 60% of our calls are not because there are issues with Scancat. Instead they are due to the cable not "working".

Most times the solutions are very easy.


Please understand, we do not sell the cables. We really try our best to guide you on how to get the cable installed and working. (But) while getting the cable to work is an integral part of the "programming the radio process", the ultimate responsibility (for getting the cable to work) resides with Radio Shack.

Can't "do anything", (or) in your case "the computer crashes", usually indicates the connection between the Computer and the radio is not correct, or the USB driver is installed improperly.

If you are using a Radio Shack 20-047 cable (Most popular cable), take a look at the links below for solutions first. This FAQ has several solutions, many involving using the 20-047 cable - and they will guide you to getting "Connected". Once you get to that stage, you have probably solved 90% of your issues.

Above  is the main FAQ link:

THIS is  link to the PDF Instructions that comes on the RS DRIVER CD. (in case you cannot  find it). In particular read how to UNINSTALL the driver, as if it isn't installed properly all kind of different problems can occur including Computer crashes.

These links apply to getting started (USB related):

These are more generic FAQs for getting started once you solve the "connection" issues.

LAST DITCH SUGGESTIONS..... Install the entire thing on a different computer. chances are it will work ok, and that will give you breathing room to find the real solution on the computer that isn't working with Scancat-Lite-Plus.

              UNIDEN RADIOS  - Cables are supplied in the box with the radio              

You  Must FIRST turn on the PC Control inside the radio. This can be done in this manner.
Menus will differ slightly from model to model, but this applies to mainly BC15,  BC246,   BC396,   BC996 

  1.  Press "Menu" on radio <press E for enter>

  2.  Navigate to "settings" (Some radios will have "System" <press E for enter>

  3. Locate PC CONTROL <press E for enter>

  4. Locate "Baud Rate" the radio must be set for "some" baud rate" (will usually say "OFF") <press E for enter>

  5. Back out of these settings by continually pressing MENU until you are again "Scanning"

  6. Go to our SELECT RADIO menu option 

  7. At Top Left of that window is a button "Auto configure" For Uniden only 

  8. Once it finds the radio - inside the Blue Box it will say "Detected Radio... etc"
    Press ACCEPT and that should "do it"

- Brief Description of Modules - Scancat-Lite Plus is divided into distinct modules:

These Modules are: 

            1 - Setups
            2 - Database

All of functions of Scancat-Lite Plus are inter-connected by a common interface screen we call it a module you are returned to the Splash Screen - which is the only place you can exit or terminate the program.

                        Brief Description of Modules: 

1. Setups – Individual settings for:

A. Choosing your Radio.Includes an auto-detect for most common settings (Uniden Radios only)

B. Serial Port Connections.Includes an auto-detect for most common settings (Uniden Radios only)

C. Data-file default choices Loads the data-files for you upon boot up of Scancat-Lite Plus

2. Database - The database consists of two "grids" an upper and a lower.

A. The upper Database Grid contains the Source files for frequencies from our area. Normally the TOP database grid is not visible unless a source file has been picked.

B. Lower Database which is divided into the number of banks of your radio. Each Bank is displayed in a tabbed styled interface, each tab representing one of the 10 banks in your radio.

C. The Database also serves to load and read the radio's memories. Frequencies and Group ID's are loaded to the radio from the database. You can also read the memories programmed into the radio and they are placed into the database.

                           Detailed Description of Modules:

                                                - SETUPS -

A. Radio Selection.- Listed are the radios that are supported by Scancat-Lite-Plus. Simply click on a Radio to assign that as the working radio. Always pick your radio FIRST before assigning other settings, as each radio can have a unique setup.

B. Database Autoload - On a separate TAB are two white "Input Boxes". One each for the Source and Personal databases. Double Click on either to change the default databases. 

SOURCE DATABASE (SOURCE) - You can double click on the white input box and select the database of your choice. This file will be loaded automatically if you select the "Autoload Option". If this is checked, then the source file will be loaded in the TOP Database, when you enter the database screen.

PERSONAL DATABASE (TARGET) – You can double click on the white input box and select the database of your choice. This file will be loaded automatically. If you select the Autoload Option it will be loaded in the BOTTOM Database.

C. Autoload Database - Directly below the two database filename input boxes is a Check Box titled "Autoload Database". If you choose filenames as in "B" - these files can be automatically loaded at the start of your program. If you want this option click to CHECK, then ''Scancat-Lite Plus'' will automatically load these files on startup.

D. COMM PORT - Pick the serial/comport you are connecting the radio to on your computer. If you do not know the correct settings, you can choose the "Auto Detect" function and let this find the correct serial for you.

E. BAUD RATE - Pick the baud rate the radio is set for. If you do not know the correct settings, you can choose the "Auto Detect" function and let this find the correct baud rate for you. (Autodetect only supported for Uniden Radios)
 (Most Radio Shack units that use “Cloning”, only support one baud rate. We will automatically set the baud rate to the correct setting each time the comport is opened to program these type of radios.

F. AUTO DETECT - UNIDEN ONLY - If you do not know settings for COMM and BAUD, you can also use the "Autoconfigure" Button, and Scancat will poll all possible combinations - and if the radio is detected, will set them for you. *** Please Note ***

The BC-895 and non-Uniden radios do not support Auto Detect. Check your radio owner's manual for correct default settings.

G. TIMING ADJUSTMENTS – this control is useful to set Timing, or what is called "Pacing" of the data being sent and received through the serial Port. Scancat can operate on a wide variety of computer speeds, Windows Versions and serial baud rates. No matter how fast your next computer may be, Scancat-Lite Plus can be adjusted to compensate for these new operating speeds.

                        (Default = .001)

The timing settings for the database and load/read functions of the radio's memories are dependent on the timing settings in the loading/reading modules. Simply put, if the data is sent to the radio too quickly, it does not have time to interpret the individual characters and many times it will end up as “incomplete" frequencies or alpha tags. IF this occurs, then adjust the timing to a higher value. This will slow down the process and enabling sufficient time to elapse between data information transfers to and from the radio to be completed.

H. Related to "G" is a "CheckBox" titled "Win ME/XP/2000".  Because these operating systems use a different environment than Windows 95/98, we have found there are variances in the way our timing is treated when running on the newer Windows XP/2000. If you experience problems with the incomplete data going to or being read from the radio, then check this box to tell Scancat-Lite Plus you are using one of these Windows versions.

I. Detect Valid CommPorts. – This is especially useful for Radio Shack scanners as they do not support “auto configure”. So it is a trial and error process to find the correct comm. Port if you do not know which one it is.  With USB to serial devices, most times when they are plugged in, there is a “new” comm. Port showing from when the USB device is not plugged in. This can be used to determine the exact comport being used by the USB to serial device, or Radio Shack’s 20-047 cable. If you plug or unplug the USB device and then press this button, you can see it “show up  (or) disappear” from the list. That will be the comport number to use.

Once all is finished, click "ACCEPT" – You must press accept before you exit or the settings are not saved to the configuration file, The next time you start Scancat-Lite Plus it will use the previous settings.


The database module is divided into two distinct areas or Grids;

1. The upper "Source" database.

A. The Upper Grid is used to load files that are available from National Communication's web site. The files available from this website are all formatted to be compatible with the Scancat-Lite Plus program. Scancat-Lite Plus can also load Dbase III and Dbase IV files. This enables you to load files from other than Nat-Com’s website.

B. The Upper Grid is not editable
C. Records in this grid cannot be deleted

2. The lower "Personal Database”:

A. The Lower Grid contains a set of tabs that represent the same numbered bank in your radio. Clicking on a tab will change you to a new Grid with records and settings for your radio.

B. Within each Tabbed area the database is segmented into colored areas.

Aqua background – Frequencies, descriptions and associated settings

- Frequency columns accept only numeric data

- Description columns accept almost all characters. BUT, quotes, commas and other delimiters that could cause problems in the saved database will be removed before it is saved to disk

- Check Boxes – these show with a red check when "on".

- Drop Down boxes – these contain a number of choices and permit you to accept any one of them.

Green Background – Trunking settings, Fleet ID's and descriptions.

- Group ID columns permit only numeric data. HEX, which contains alpha and numeric characters is not supported. "-" such as used in Motorola or Edacs systems may be used and is acceptable.

-Group description columns accept almost all characters, but quotes,

commas and other delimiters that could cause problems in the saved database will be removed before it is saved to disk.

-"Check Boxes" – these show with a red check when "on".

-"Drop Down" boxes – these contain a number of choices and permit you to accept any one of them.

Trunk System Settings Column – This column is unique to each grid of the database. It contains many settings that pertain to a particular type of Trunking system. The TOP MOST drop down box picks the type of Trunking system. While the rest of the settings are in a single column their position in the column does not relate to a record in the same row. These settings are to be programmed accordingly to the type system in use.

Yellow Background – Search Ranges

The Design of the Personal Database is to permit easy transfer of records into the grid with a minimum of hand typing. This can be accomplished in several ways:

1. Pasting FREQUENCIES from the upper source database.

- Highlight records in the source database by clicking on a row. The row will be highlighted in reversed background

Once all records are highlighted

- Click once on the first row in the lower database to establish the "insert point".

- Use the Top Menu bar function EDIT / Paste highlighted frequencies to lower database

- All highlighted Frequencies and their associated description in the top 
database will be pasted into the lower grid at the "insert point".

2. Pasting FLEET ID'S from the upper source database.

- If the fifth column is titled Fleet ID's, then this function will automatically "know" the pasting operation is to use these two adjacent columns and will place them into the proper personal database columns.

- Highlight records in the source database by clicking on a row. The row will highlighted in reversed background

Once all records are highlighted

- Click once on the first row in the lower database to establish the "insert point".

- Use the Top Menu bar function EDIT / Paste highlighted FLEET ID's to lower database

- All highlighted fleet/Group ID's and their associated descriptions in the top database will be pasted into the lower grid at the "insert point".

3. Pasting from Excel or similar 3rd party database programs - 

4 - One basic alignment of the Excel spread sheet should be adhered to for best results. Frequency and Fleet ID columns and their descriptions should be next to each other. IE: Excel Columns are usually "lettered" A-B-C-D.  -   One basic alignment of the Excel spread sheet should be adhered to for best results. Frequency and Fleet ID columns and their descriptions should be next  to each other.

               IE: Excel Columns are usually "lettered"  A-B-C-D

A - Frequencies

B - Descriptions for Frequencies

C - Talk Group ID's

D - Descriptions for TGID's

- Highlight the cells to be pasted into the Personal database

- Press CTRL + C to copy them to the clipboard

- Go to Scancat-Lite Plus and click on the first cell where you want to start the "Paste" and Press CTRL + V

4. Copying a cell or group of cells from one area to another area or bank of the personal database grid.

- Highlight the cells to be copied

- Press CTRL + C to copy them to the clipboard

- Click on the first cell (Top-Left) where you want to start the "Paste"

- Press CTRL + V

- It is possible to copy an entire bank to another bank by highlighting the entire bank to be copied and then pressing CTRL + C to place the bank into the clipboard,

5. Direct entry by hand, a cell at a time.

- DOUBLE CLICK on a cell

- Notice that the cursor will end up on the first position of an empty cell or at the end position of the data.

- Backspace or place cursor at edit point and start typing. Most type-in cells have a maximum length and will not permit entry once this is reached.

- When finished press ENTER or move the cursor to another cell to make the edit permanent.

- Press the Keyboard ESC key to abort an edit and return cell to it's former contents.

The Scancat-Lite Plus "grid" conforms to most standard Microsoft conventions of copy and paste operations. Basically you can copy data from almost any source as long as the data is arranged in the proper columnar format. **** NOTE **** It is not be possible to paste alphabetical characters to a target column that only accepts numeric data.

Brief explanation of Top Menu Bar Selections



Completely erases all data in all 10 banks. You do get an additional prompt asking you if you are sure. Hitting Cancel (or) ESC will abort. Pressing OK will erase all data. However you would still have to SAVE the file to make all changes permanent.

\Load File


Nat-Com file – These are files of conventional frequencies that have been sent to you from National Communications. All Nat-Com files are comma delimited format and have the proper number of fields and location of information within the records. Scancat-Lite Plus has been designed to use these files with no modifications necessary.

Read Source Files Directly From Mr.Scanner CD   Permits reading the Mr. Scanner CD directly, and then places all the “search criteria” into the “upper database” that would normally contain Nat-Com’s source files. You have two ways of searching to improve your ability to filter what you want to find.  

Search by ANY of 4 keywords,  
    finds any occurrence for a hit
Separate each keyword by a “comma + space”
            “keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4”
    Example is show on the search prompt screen.

Search by TWO keywords, 
    finds an occurrence if BOTH words are found.
        Separate the two keywords by a   “space+Ampersand+space”
                            “keyword1 & keyword2”

Examples are also shown on the search prompt screen.

Mr Scanner/ file - These are files of conventional frequencies that have been sent to you from MR Scanner CD or All of these files use the standard Dbase IV format and have the proper number of fields and location of information within the records. Scancat-Lite Plus has been designed to use these files with no modifications necessary.

Bearcat Trunk ID.TXT files - These are files that not only contain conventional frequencies, but have two additional columns that contain the FLEET IDS for that Trunking system. These are files that have been sent to you from All of these Bearcat files are comma delimited format and have the proper number of fields and location of information within the records. Scancat-Lite Plus has been designed to use these files with no modifications necessary.

\Download from Nat.Comm's Website

Contains "Hot Links" to the National Communications Frequency download site. There you will find free frequency information as well as how to purchase additional frequency files.

\Personal Files

Personal files end with the file extension of "RSD". These files contain all of the information contained in the 10 banks of the database and in addition contain the information in the search range database.

\Save File

Save Personal File -
Presents the standard "File Dialog". The present filename is in the input box. This enables you to save to the same filename or, by typing in a different name, save the same way as using "File Save As".


Print Upper Database – Print the entire upper database. Pages are formatted to print at 60 lines per page and then print subsequent pages with column titles on top of each new page.

\Print All Personal Banks Print all 10 banks.

Pages are formatted to print at 60 lines per page and then print subsequent pages with column titles on top of each new page.

\Print Selected Bank - Print only the selected Bank.

Pages are formatted to print at 60 lines per page and then print subsequent pages. All pages have column titles on top of each new page.

\Setting for Radio – Individual settings for: Choosing your Radio.

- Includes an auto-detect for most common settings Serial Port Connections.
   (AutoDetect only works for Uniden Radios)

- Includes an auto-detect for most common settings
   (AutoDetect only works for Uniden Radios)

- Data-file default choices. If the check box is checked, this loads the data-files for you upon each boot up of  Scancat-Lite-Plus

\ Edit

Paste Highlighted Frequencies to lower database – Frequencies can be pasted from the upper (White colored "Source Database*) to the (Aqua Colored) lower "Personal Database"  by highlighting any combination of rows in the upper grid. Once the rows are highlighted, FIRST click the mouse on the row of the lower database row where the paste is to begin and then click this paste option to complete the paste operation.

\Paste Highlighted Trunk IDS to lower database

FLEET ID's can be pasted from the upper (White colored "Source Database*) to the (Aqua Colored) lower "Personal Database" by highlighting any combination of rows in the upper grid. Once the rows are highlighted, FIRST click the mouse on the row of the lower database row where the paste is to begin and then click the appropriate  paste option from the top menu bar to complete the paste operation.

\Select All Records in Source File – use this to select all "Source" records with a single keystroke

\De-Select all records in Source File - use this to clear the highlights of all the records in the source database.

\Move/Copy a bank to another Bank If you want to copy or move all the data including all the settings to a new bank, this will move everything with a single keystroke. A prompt panel pops up and gives you the ability to choose which bank is copied or moved to another bank. Copy will not erase the "From" bank, but Move first copies the bank and then deletes the "From" bank.

Erase all records in selected lower Bank – Erase all the data and settings for the selected bank with a single keystroke.

Load/Read Radio

Most Radio Shack units only support a “cloning” function, and the entire radio memory must be loaded/read in one operations.  Other Models, such as from Uniden, will support bank by bank operations.
Depending on the radio you have selected, you will see one of these two menus. 

                        1 – For Most Radio Shack Radios
                     2 - For Most other Supported Radios

Load Frequencies in selected bank to radio – First checks to make sure the radio you have picked is the actual radio you have connected to the serial port. This function will load all data in the columns with AQUA colored background including frequencies, descriptions and associated settings to the radio. One exception to the above is, in addition to the frequencies and other data, if any Trunking buttons are checked to "On", then Trunking system Type and associated settings in that Green column will be programmed to that bank of the radio.

Load Trunking IDS in selected bank to radio - First checks to make sure the radio you have picked is the actual radio you have connected to the serial port. This function will load all data in the columns with GREEN colored background including Fleet/Group ID's, descriptions and associated settings to the radio.

Load Search Ranges to Radio – The search range database is on the 11th tab. You can program up to ten ranges and in addition there are 10 "Spare" records to enabled quick cut and paste of the ten sent to the radio.

Read Frequencies From Radio to selected bank –. This function will read all memory channels for the chosen bank into the database columns with AQUA colored background including descriptions and associated settings of the radio(Radio must support "reading". Some Radio Shack PRO7x and PRO8x radios do not)

Read Trunking IDS From Radio to selected bank – This function will read all of the Fleet/Group ID's from the radio and place it into the database columns with GREEN colored background including descriptions and associated settings of the Radio (Radio must support "reading". Some Radio Shack PRO7x and PRO8x radios do not)

Read Search Ranges from Radio - The search range database is on the 11th tab. You can read the contents of the radio's search ranges and they will be placed into this tabbed database .(Radio must support "reading". Some Radio Shack PRO7x and PRO8x radios do not)

                    Database View 

View All - resets the view so that all of the database columns are displayed.
Frequency View – This view only displays the AQUA colored columns associated with frequencies and "hides" all of the Green colored background columns (Trunking)
Trunking View - This view only displays the GREEN colored columns associated with TRUNKING and "hides" all of the Aqua colored background columns (Frequency).

Close Top Database - This will close the top (Source) database view, and show only the bottom database as full screen.


View Help – displays a text based version of manual inside a scrollable view port.

About – Displays version number and copyright notices.

Exit – Exits to "Splash Screen"

                                            BUILT IN "FEATURES"

One of the most useful "undocumented" features of Scancat-Lite Plus is the ability to cut/copy and paste any number of columns or cells from one place to another. You can easily copy a column or two columns or the entire BANK of Scancat's database grid from one place to another.  All you need to remember it so use the same "starting point" for both copy and paste.

  1. Using your mouse, High light a number of cells in a column

  2. Press both the CTRL KEY and the "C" key at same time - This copies the contents of the high lighted are to the "Windows Clipboard

  3. Press both the CTRL KEY and the "X" key at same time - This copies the contents of the high lighted are to the "Windows Clipboard" - But CUTS/Erases the copied contents from those cells.

  4. Click your mouse on the Cell that the PASTE should start from and then Press CTRL + "V" to paste the clipboard's contents.

  5. USING EXCEL - this identical operation can be done with the same keystrokes.

  6. Copy an entire grid and paste it to another grid
    At the very top left of each "grid" in the "GRAY" area is a small block that does not have any text in it. CLICKING on that block/cell will highlight the entire grid. 
            -  Press CTRL+C to copy the entire grid
            -  Navigate to the grid area that you want to paste "to" (2nd grid)
            -  Place mouse on the "gray cell/block" and that highlights the entire grid
            -  Press CTRL + V to paste what you just copied to the 2nd grid 


Data corrupt when reading from radio. On the PRO96 in particular, When using Windows XP Home edition. Multitasking can corrupt the data stream.  Virus programs are the most common cause.  These are some of the programs that can be temporarily disabled to possibly cure the problem There are a number of Virus programs not listed here, the most common are Norton or  McAfee, but this should give you a place to get started.

Go to  Start -> Run -> (type in) msconfig.exe

Go to the STARTUP tab and disable one of more of the following.

Disable these one at a time until you find the culprit.

Just uncheck them in the services/startup box and reboot your pc...  

Cannot get the radio to do "anything"

Cannot figure out how to get Mr. Scanner files into Scancat-Lite Plus

Look in the application folder of this program for these files, which will give you detailed instruction on how to do this

Do you have a FAQ on your website

    Yes - Go to these links:

                                         COPYRIGHT NOTICES

                                        Scancat-Lite Copyright (c) 2003-7
                                        Computer Aided Technologies

Frequency files and data files with the Extension ''.RSD'' are Copyrighted and remain the Intellectual property of::

                                        Copyright (c) 2003-7
                                        Computer Aided Technologies
                                        P.O. Box 18285
                                        Shreveport. LA 71118

                                        Copyright (c) 2003-7
                                        Norm Schrein Inc
                                        P.O. Box 291918
                                        Kettering, OH 45429

You are granted a personal license to use Scancat’s RSD Database Files for your personal use. When you installed this product, clicking on the “I Agree”, signifies your acceptance of this ''License''

Any Commercial Distribution of these databases (or resale) is expressly prohibited.

This software, or the resultant frequency files, may not be used to program radios in a Commercial activity without a signed licensing agreement. Any Commercial Use (0r) Distribution of files for resale without the express permission of the above copyright holders  is expressly prohibited.  Removal of this disclaimer is in direct violation of the above Copyrights.

- Disclaimer - 

We do our best to give you adequate documentation. This Help File was composed by our programmer, as he is the only one that really knows the functions of the software. Our programmer is not an “English major”, and we are sure you will see grammatical or spelling errors that we have missed. Please don’t be too critical of our manuals. We do our best. The documentation is always a work in progress. Small changes in the program are not always updated in the "doc"  immediately. Please go to our FAQ site for the latest manuals, solutions and troubleshooting suggestions for almost all problems we are contacted about.... and also read the addendums that apply to some of the newer Uniden Radios. 

If your Adobe PDF reader supports “hyper links”,    these should take right to the URL on our website:
(main entry point for all our help locations)
          (FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
          (Scancat PDF manuals / Addendum / Doc) 

Thanks for your support! 

Jim Springer
