I can't find it, but this should get you in the ball park.

A- Load Scancat and go to the TRUNKING database

1. Load a file into EXCEL
2. Make sure the frequency and Description columns
   are adjacent to each other
3. USing your mouse highlight the frequency and desciption columns
   for as many as you want (up to 50)
4. Once highlighted press CTRL + C (copy to clipboard)
5. go back to Scancat at the Trunking Database.
6. click you mouse on the FIRST COLUMN to start the "paste"
7. Press CTRL + V

they should all go into the database

IF you want to cut and past Talk Group ID's:

Follow steps 1 through 5

6. Click mouse on the FLEET ID's database (first cell)

7. Press CTRL + W and that will paste the TGID's
   into the right sided trunking ID database.

 Re our phone conversation. You said you had a file that explains how to do
this. would you send it to me.
 Re Barksdale I think you sent me the grover mil freqs CD. You may find
freqs there. The military does not usually change freqs that much.

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