
It's not the speedy computer. We have a 4GHZ machine (our slowest is over 3GHZ) and SCL runs just fine.  I think it will turn out to be a "comm port issue". Built in "hardware hangups" can occur when the comm port does not respond or is sluggish in responding. When this happens, the user may try clicking on different things to "get it back".... but this can create huge loops that eventually use up all remaining resources.

Are you using the 20-047 RS USB Cable? 
        If So....

You are at the mercy of the USB cable emulating a serial port/comm port. This is all tied to "drivers". There is one driver for the USB and another that creates the "comm port" so software can "see it" as a comm port.

The fact that the second computer works, indicates something isn't working as expected on the first one. I would suggest un-installing the USB cable driver on the problem computer, and then making sure you use the driver on the provided CD that came with the cable. DO NOT let windows "search for a driver". That most likely will result in the same set of problems.




We spoke yesterday in regard to my bank read attempts
timing out.

The computer is Pentium 4 3.2GHz clock (Win XP Pro).
Com port 1 was set to 9600 baud, 8 bit ...default. The
cable was installed, and the RMT function was

After you suggestion, I sped up the transfer as much
as I could within the application software. It still
locked. (The application gui faded solid white and
Application manager showed there was no response from
the application.)

I installed the application on a second computer;
Pentium 3 700MHz clock (WIN 98), same Com port
configuration. All is well.

The first computer may be SUPERFAST or perhaps have a
bad com port (Although, there was no indication of
failure or defect with normal M-Soft means.).

The second computer supported the application to
fullest extent advertised operation (SCAN-CAT-LITE).


John M. DE N3QT,
TKS ES 73.

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